Enlisted airmen's clothing allowances have decreased slightly for the new fiscal year, largely because of a change in when the Air Force issues boots to airmen.

The value for the men's clothing bag has decreased $96.60 this year to $1,394.32. Female airmen's clothing bag has decreased $77.84 to $1,622.44.

Airmen will be given allowance for one pair of green temperate weather combat boots instead of two — priced at $88.96 for males and $86.67 for females — instead of the allowance for two pairs of combat boots that they've received in previous years. That's because one pair of boots has been replaced with Air Education and Training Command-issued steel-toe boots, said Air Force spokeswoman Capt. Brooke Brzozowske.

As of Oct. 1, airmen still get an annual clothing replacement allowance for one pair of regular boots in the bag. The steel-toe boots, labeled as safety gear that cannot be bought with MilPers money, are unit-issue only, so when they wear out, airmen will receive a new pair, Brzozowske said.

AETC will pay for the steel-toe boots, saving the Air Force around $85 on boots for both sexes.

The Air Force also will save around $10 on the standard issue improved physical training uniform, known as the IPTU, jacket and pants combination. The IPTU replaced the legacy PTU this fall.

Even with the single pair of boots, the replacement allowance for the boots remains similar to last year's allowance, which is around $58.

The replacement allowances overall remain mostly unchanged: Men's basic replacement allowance decreased $3.60 to $241.20, and their standard replacement allowances decreased $2.45 to $346.75. Women's basic replacement allowances remain the same at $248.40, along with their standard replacement allowances at $352.80.

After enlisted troops complete three years on active duty, they begin receiving the standard replacement allowance. Airmen with fewer than three years of service receive a basic replacement allowance to begin replacing items from their initial issue as they wear out.

Enlisted airmen get a complete set of uniforms and accessories when they enter the service. In subsequent years, they receive annual allowances that are based on how long it takes to wear out each item and calculated by dividing the cost by the life expectancy of the item. The clothing allowance is typically paid on the anniversary of a member's entry into the military.

The individual item prices on the clothing bag lists do not add up to the Air Force's totals and net change totals from the previous year. This is because of non-discretionary inflation rates used on all cash allowances, Brzozowske said.

Airmen get annual cash allowances for items that are expected to wear out each year. For the female clothing bag, for example, all cash allowance items except running shoes have the non-discretionary inflation rate added — this includes the money for pumps, black dress, lingerie, stockings and underwear and a handbag.

Women this year will receive $52.50 for the pumps and black dress, $199.17 for lingerie, stockings and underwear, and $32.78 for a handbag.

The $75 annual cash allowance for men's and women's running shoes remains unchanged from last year.

Brzozowske said that some prices also are rounded so that they are divisible by 30. This is so that airmen who separate before the end of the month can receive an appropriate stipend for the number of days they served during their final month in the Air Force.

At some locations, the nametags and nametape have not been accounted for in the men's clothing bag because they are not stocked at various DLA Troop Support distributors, Brzozowske said. The same goes for the female clothing bag with the pumps and handbag, she said.

Commissioned officers receive an initial clothing allowance upon entering the service, but they do not receive an annual clothing allowance.

2015 Women's Clothing Bag

Here is the breakdown of the initial clothing allowance for enlisted women in fiscal 2015. Shown are the number of items issued to those entering the service, the price per item, the net change in price for the total number of items and the annual replacement allowance based on the expected life of the items:


Fiscal 2015 unit price

Total unit price

Net change from fiscal 2014



1 bag, duffel, nylon, OG





1 belt, cotton, web, blue, w/chromium plate





1 belt, riggers, desert sand 503





1 pair green temperate weather combat boots





1 buckle





1 cap, garrison, poly/wool, serge, blue, AF SH 1620





2 caps, utility RABU





1 coat, all weather, w/removable liner





4 coats, women's RABU





1 coat, service, wool/poly, serge, AF Shade 1620





1 pair gloves, leather, black, unisex





1 insignia, branch of service, U.S.





1 jacket, women's, lightweight w/removable liner





1 jacket, IPTU





2 necktabs, blue, AF SH 1622





1 name tag, metal





2 name tags, plastic





4 name tapes, USAF





4 name tapes





1 pair pants, IPTU





2 shirts cotton/poly, long sleeve, AF SH 1550 (tuck in)





2 shirts cotton/poly, short sleeve, AF SH 1550 (tuck in)





2 pairs slacks darted wool/poly AF SH 1620





1 skirt darted wool/poly AF SH 1620





1 pair shoes, Oxford, women's dress black *





6 pairs socks, boot, green





2 pkgs socks, athletic, crew, white (3 pairs per pkg)





6 pairs socks, dress





2 towel bath, cotton, white





4 trousers women's RABU





4 trunks, IPTU





4 T-shirts, PT





6 T-shirt athlete's, sand colored, moisture-wicking





(pants, PTU)




see IPTU

(jacket, PTU)




see IPTU

Cash Allowance

1 pair running shoes, USAF





1 pair pumps, black dress





1 lingerie, stockings, underwear





1 handbag









Standard annual replacement


Basic annual replacement


Source: Air Force

* replacement item; AETC will issue 1 pair of steel-toe boots

Itemized total:$1,621.88; Itemized net change:-$78.62

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