A T-38 Talon training jet collapsed onto a contractor after he removed a pin from the aircraft's nose landing gear in February 2023.
The pier to bring aid ashore to Gaza will be operational within 60 days, the Pentagon said.
The Pentagon isn't considering withdrawing the extra troops anytime soon.
Air Force 1st Lt. Micah Grissom rescued a distressed swimmer from a dangerous rip current.
AFCENT has stood up the ETSG to provide expeditionary logistics, sustainment, and engineering support for more effective warfighting missions.
The commanders are temporarily suspended, pending the outcome of an Air Force inspector general probe into military intelligence leaks.
The Air Force says it is still "working through the details" of the new organization, currently dubbed the "492nd Power Projection Wing."
The move would significantly limit the number of officers and enlisted airmen trained to plan attacks and call in airstrikes on the front lines.
The U.S. military says a rocket attack has targeted a base in eastern Syria housing American troops causing no injuries or damage.
“The A-10 is a great airplane … in an uncontested environment,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown said.
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