The RQ-4 Block 40 drone crashed at about 7 a.m. Sheppard AFB will host two full-fledged virtual reality courses for crew chiefs and logistics planners starting in 2022. The Air Force recently revealed, more than a year after the accident, that it had not convened an accident investigation board to look into the crash due to operational security concerns. The Air Force wants to retire 13 older C-130Hs and bring in five new C-130Js. Keesler officials said the wreck occurred Wednesday on the base and involved pedestrians. The Air Force wants to ditch older tankers to make room for the KC-46 Pegasus. Airmen clash with 552nd Operations Group commander Col. Gary Donovan. F/A-18E Super Hornets over the Ike, a training mission at Travis AFB, Marines do PT at sea and and more in this week's Frontline Photos. Lt. Gen. Mike Minihan would earn a promotion to four-star general and replace Gen. Jacqueline Van Ovost. Congress needs to sign off on the Hercules retirements first. Load More