Here are important dates under the new promotion system for enlisted members at each rank:

Senior airman and below

March 31: Static closeout date on which enlisted performance reports are completed. It coincides with the eligibility cutoff date for promotion to staff sergeant.

May-June: Testing window for senior airman promotions to staff sergeant.

Around July: Promotions to staff sergeant announced.

August: New EPR form released for consideration in 2016 and beyond.

March 2016: Forced distribution — the percentage of airmen who will be most recommended for promotion in 2016 and beyond — goes into effect.

Staff sergeant

Calendar 2015 cycle: First incremental reduction in time-in-grade and time-in-service points. EPR calculation weight changed. Transition from evaluating last five EPRs to no more than last three EPRs.

Jan. 31: Static closeout date on which EPRs are completed. It coincides with the eligibility cutoff date for promotion to technical sergeant.

February-March: Testing window for promotion to tech sergeant.

Around June: Promotions to tech sergeant announced.

August: New EPR form released for consideration in 2016 and beyond.

January 2016: Forced distribution goes into effect for consideration in 2016 and beyond

Technical sergeant

Calendar 2015 cycle: First incremental reduction in time-in-grade and time-in-service points. EPR calculation weight changed. Transition from evaluating last five EPRs to no more than last three EPRs.

February-March: Testing window for promotion to master sergeant. This will determine who will go before the first master sergeant promotion board.

May: First master sergeant promotion board.

TBA, likely during summer: Promotions to master sergeant announced.

August: New EPR form will be released for 2016 and beyond.

November: Forced distribution goes into effect for 2016 and beyond.

Nov. 30: Static closeout date on which EPRs are completed. It coincides with the eligibility cutoff date for promotion to master sergeant in 2016.

Master sergeant

Calendar 2015 cycle: First incremental reduction in time-in-grade and time-in-service points. EPR calculation weight changed. Transition from evaluating last five EPRs to no more than last three EPRs.

January-February: Evaluation board for promotion to senior master sergeant.

Around March: Promotions to senior master sergeant announced.

April: New EPR form released for 2016 and beyond. New restrictions announced on how many stratifications senior raters can give to their promotion-eligible master sergeants.

June 3: Change of reporting official reports — which were used when an airman had two or more raters within an annual rating period — eliminated.

Sept. 30: Static closeout date on which EPRs are completed. It coincides with the eligibility cutoff date for promotion to senior master sergeant in 2016.

December: Testing window for promotion to senior master sergeant in 2016.

Senior master sergeant

April: New EPR form released. New restrictions announced on how many stratifications senior raters can give to their promotion-eligible senior master sergeants.

April 3: Change of reporting official reports eliminated.

July 31: Static closeout date on which EPRs are completed. It coincides with the eligibility cutoff date for promotion to chief master sergeant.

September: Testing window for promotion to chief master sergeant.

October: Evaluation board for promotion to chief master sergeant.

Around November: Promotions to chief master sergeant announced.

Calendar 2016 cycle: First incremental reduction in time-in-grade and time-in-service points.

Chief master sergeant

Calendar 2015 cycle: First incremental reduction in time-in-grade and time-in-service points.

February: New EPR forms released for chief master sergeants.

Feb. 2: Change of reporting official reports eliminated.

May 31: Static closeout date on which EPRs are completed.

— Stephen Losey

Stephen Losey is the air warfare reporter for Defense News. He previously covered leadership and personnel issues at Air Force Times, and the Pentagon, special operations and air warfare at He has traveled to the Middle East to cover U.S. Air Force operations.

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