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Airman uses military training to rescue skier during trip to the Alps
“We do a lot of scenarios that prepare us for moments like this, and once I started assessing the injury, it was almost automatic,” the airman said.
By Riley Ceder
Where each military branch stands on pronoun use in signature blocks
The Air Force put out an official policy in December.
By Sarah Sicard
Guard members embrace job that can make surprising demands
From assisting at COVID-19 testing sites to protecting the U.S. Capitol, it’s been a busy two years for the Minnesota National Guard.
By Sarah Kocher, St. Cloud Times via the AP
Unvaccinated airmen lose pay, benefits as Air National Guard yanks orders
Unvaccinated Guardsmen who are moved to the Individual Ready Reserve lose health and life insurance.
New in 2022: Out with the old, in with the new Air Force PT tests
The Air Force's menu of fitness test options debuted Jan. 1, 2022.
The military’s gender relations survey is now open to all troops
A mini version of the survey is now open to all troops who want to give their feedback.
Japan asks US forces to stay on base as COVID-19 cases jump
American forces have come under fire after a spike in coronavirus cases in areas where they are based in large numbers.
More people are joining the Air Force in their late 30s
Nearly 600 people in their late 30s have enlisted in the active duty Air Force since the age limit changed in 2014.
New in 2022: Can the Air Force find a smarter way to deploy?
A new deployment model could be ready for primetime as soon as October 2022.
Another 16 million veterans can get Home Depot’s new military discount year-round
But be aware of the new rules for the military discount.
By Karen Jowers