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Afghan officer who fought with US forces rescued from Kabul
The rescue of Khalid, as he’s called by friends, came after frantic efforts by his supporters in the U.S. military.
By Alex Sanz
Top US general in Afghanistan says military begins closing down operations
The U.S. military and NATO would be shipping some military equipment out of Afghanistan while deciding what would remain behind with the Afghan Defense and Security Force, said Gen. Austin Miller.
Optimism for peace process among Afghans decreases significantly amid violence, report says
The Institute of War and Peace Studies found optimism for the country's peace process dropped to 57 percent, down from 86 percent among Afghans surveyed after talks began in September.
Another military judge steps away from stalled Guantanamo 9/11 trial
Marine Col. Stephen F. Keane said he must recuse himself because of his past work for the government and personal connections to victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Iran again fails to put satellite into orbit amid US worries
An Iranian rocket failed to put a satellite into orbit on Sunday, state television reported, the latest setback for a program the U.S. claims helps Tehran advance its ballistic missile program.
By Jon Gambrell, The Associated Press