The governors of three states said they’re prepared to use the National Guard to help with potential civil unrest on Election Day or the days after. Foreign actors, like Russia and Iran, have been trying to convince American voters that the process is too corrupt to participate in, experts say. When veterans and military families work the polls, voters feel more confident that elections are fair, safe and accurate, the study found. Posts about election denialism, the false belief that elections are unfair and could be “stolen,” increased by 317% on Telegram and 105% on Gab in October. The Committee for Safe and Secure Elections created the PSA in response to increased threats against election officials leading up to November. The conservative group claimed the training was made with ill-intent and wasn’t merely a blunder, as the Army has perviously said. About one out of every 10 election workers in November will be a veteran or a family member of a veteran, according to the nonprofit We the Veterans. The website is attempting to stir up antidemocratic sentiments among veteran voters ahead of the November presidential election, the group warned. The Army's rules, released in June, are too ambiguous to solve the problem of extremism in the ranks, lawmakers argued. Military influencers could build support for U.S. troops and protect against enemy disinformation attempts to undermine the DOD, a RAND report says. Load More