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Chief master sergeant demoted, jailed for sending explicit photos, other misconduct
Chief Master Sgt. Jamie Kohr pleaded guilty to dereliction of duty and failure to obey an order or regulation.
Air Force secretary outlines short-term plan to shake up space acquisition
Kendall is vetting candidates to serve as assistant Air Force secretary for space acquisition and integration.
Great power, great responsibility: Gen. ‘CQ’ Brown & Anthony Mackie talk diversity ‘firsts’ in military, Marvel
Gen. Charles "CQ" Brown isn't an Avenger ... yet.
Documents reveal how the Space Force would launch in 90 days
The Pentagon is waiting for Congress to decide whether to create a Space Force. This is what would happen next.
By Valerie Insinna
Dogfights and Dracula’s castle: US Air Force tightens bond with Romania over summer deployment
F-15 pilots, maintainers and staff from Barnes Air National Guard Base in Massachusetts just returned from a three-month deployment to Romania.
By Valerie Insinna